Rotor Lab
Science made easy, science made fun!

Body and Food

Kids are constantly being told to eat healthy... It is easier when the kids themselves know and act wisely without being told. That is the true foundation of lifelong healthy eating habits. Healthy eating habit is not a stand alone subject either, it is invariably accompanied by questions about what happens when it enters our body - Does it  help my eyes, or my digestion, does it make my bones stronger or my muscles, does it make me clever or does it keep Grandpa's heart healthier. Our body becomes an inseparable topics. Here are our book suggestions to help your little scientist on their healthy body, healthy eating habits...


Our Food

It all starts with a seed... How food grows / So wächst unser Essen #ad

100 Things to Know about Food / Ich weiß jetzt 100 Dinge mehr: Essen #ad

The Story of Food #ad

The Story of Chocolate #ad

Our Body

Anatomicum: Welcome to the Museum / Anatomicum: Activity Book #ad

Anatomy: A Cutaway Look Inside the Human Body / Anatomie:  Das faszinierende Innenlebens des Menschen #ad

100 Things to Know About: Human Body / Ich weiß jetzt 100 DInge mehr: Der menschlische Körper #ad

Look Inside: Your Body / Aufklappen und Endecken: Dein Körper #ad

How Your Body Works #ad

Entdecke den Körper #ad

See Inside: My Body / Ich weiß mehr! Mein Körper #ad

Why should I brush my teeth? / Warum muss ich Zähne putzen? #ad

What is Poo? / Alle müssen aufs Klo #ad

Where do babies come from?  / Woher kommen die Babys #ad

What are germs? / Vor dem Essen Hände waschen  #ad

Why do things die?Warum muss man sterben? #ad

Little people, big dreams series #ad

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