Rotor Lab
Science made easy, science made fun!

Dinosaurs and Evolution

Dinosaurs capture every child's imagination, especially because they have such exotic, big, complicated names and because of the fact that they were so humongous and yet they no longer live today. Dinosaurs are a great way to introduce children not only to the processes of identification of fossils but also, and most importantly, to concepts in evolution. 

Here is a compilation of some of our favourite books, books that we have spent hours reading and reading over and over - 



Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Dinosaurs, A Definitive Pop-Up #ad

Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers: Dinosaurs #ad

When the Whales Walked the Earth / Als die Wale laufen konnten #ad

Warum gibt es keine Saurier mehr? #ad

The Story of Life / Woher wir Menschen kommen #ad 

On the Origin of Species / Darwins Entstehung der Arten #ad

Dinosaurium  (Welcome to the Museum)/ Dinosaurium Activity Book #ad

Dinosaurium (Junior Edition) #ad

Das Museum der Dinosaurier: Eintritt frei! #ad

Das Riesenbuch der Dinosaurier #ad

The Story of Life: Evolution (Welcome to the Museum) #ad


Dinosaur Diary / Der kleinste Dinosaurier #ad

Tyrannosaurus Drip #ad

Winnie's Dinosaur Day #ad

Paint by Stickers #ad

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