Rotor Lab
Science made easy, science made fun!

The Story behind the Story:

The Boy Who Loves BIG Words: Photosynthesis

As my little scientist turned four, he was fascinated by plants especially since he had seen the apple trees in our backyard bear flowers in spring and then fruits in the autumn. We planted various herbs and vegetables in our garden and he became ever so curious about everything green growing all around him in the spring and summer seasons. We went on innumerable walks together and made a ‘Museum of Forest’ from what he collected - twigs, stones, acorns, leaves, barks of trees, mushrooms, flowers, fruits, dead insects and anything else we discovered on our nature walks. We had a new display every time!

I wanted to show him so much more of what was hidden in nature in plain sight; the stuff that makes stuff, the stuff we don’t acknowledge every day…

That inspired me to create a board with him to explain how plants make their own food, how seeds germinate into grown plants (this was also the inspiration for the next book in the series of The Boy Who Loves BIG Words: Germination, but that story will come at the time of publication). We created this board out of all the bits and bobs around the house that were destined for the trash bin. If there was ever a time to teach sustainability and recycling to our kids, it was already yesterday, but I digress…

Without further ado - the link to the latest book in the series, The Boy Who Loves BIG Words: Photosynthesis! #ad



Hope your little scientist can join in the activities at the end of the story-telling in the book. Lots more activities to follow… Watch this space!
